Sunday, April 13, 2014

Strasbourg July 2013

On the boarder of France and Germany, Strasbourg was first founded by the Romans in 12 BC.  The city has passed between French and German control at least five times and today is considered part of France.  It is home to the European Parliament.  It is a city of beautifully restored mid-evil  homes and modern architecture around the Parliament.  There are lots of canals and flower boxes.  We happened to be there on the day that the Vintners Mass was being celebrated.  We got to see a lot people in their native costumes.  We even got to see the Wine Princess!  Much of Johannes Gutenberg's early life (inventor of the movable type and the first printed copy of the Bible) was spent in Strasbourg.  There is a statue dedicated to Gutenberg.  98% of Strasbourg was bombed in the final days of WWII.  You wouldn't know it today seeing the lovely city.

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